Thursday, October 18, 2012

Victory and Formal Hall

As of Wednesday morning, I conquered my two papers for this week. One was due Monday (5 pages), and another Wednesday afternoon (10 pages). I worked nonstop the entire weekend, and felt so relieved when I turned in my second paper on Wednesday for my Philosophy of Religion tutorial. I read the entire paper out loud to my tutor and then we discussed it for the rest of the hour. My tutor, Philip, is very kind and supportive. I was a bit worried beforehand because I hadn't written a philosophy paper before, but it went quite well.

On Wednesday night I went to Formal Hall, an Oxford tradition. Formal Hall is a meal served twice a week for which attendees dress up and wear academic gowns. At the beginning of the dinner, one of the fellows of the college says grace in Latin. Then we eat! Dinner is 3 courses. Last night we had a tomato soup, chicken, potatoes, beans, and a sort of creme brulee/cheesecake dessert. It was a great way to celebrate being finished with my classes for the week! Although I have already started reading for the upcoming week...

In other news, I signed up to run the Paris Marathon in April! My friend Dori from Wellesley convinced me as she will be studying abroad in Paris this spring. Our friend Amy, a recent Wellesley graduate and my Wellesley big sister, will also run with us. I am so excited but also a bit terrified!

Our lovely college dining hall.

More of the dining hall.

Adrea and me at Formal Hall.

Left to tight: me, Michelle, and Adrea, all in our academic gowns!

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